China, Russia announces joint naval and air drills amid ongoing Ukraine conflict

China, Russia announces joint naval and air drills amid ongoing Ukraine conflict

In what marks a significant development in international military relations, the Chinese Defence Ministry announced that China and Russia are holding joint naval and air drills dubbed "Northern United-2024" this month in the strategically important waters of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. This underlines how China and Russia go deeper into military cooperation while Russia continues its extended and highly controversial invasion of Ukraine.

Details of the Drills

The forthcoming exercises, "Northern United-2024", will further develop strategic coordination between the military forces of the two countries. Without revealing any details on the nature of drills, the Defence Ministry said the exercises have been designed to help both countries be more effective at dealing with common security threats. All this is against a background of increased geopolitical tensions and forms part of a growing military relationship between China and Russia.

In addition, the navies of China and Russia will conduct joint patrols in the Pacific Ocean. If that happens, this would be the fifth time such participation by the two navies has been seen to demonstrate the continuity of maritime cooperation. Both countries are expected to take part in Russia's annual military drill codenamed "Great Ocean-24," with the aim of testing naval capabilities, including operational coordination among participating forces.
 Geopolitical Context

The timing of these joint exercises is pretty remarkable. The invasion by Russia in Ukraine, now into its third year, remains a hotbed of global contention. The conflict invited scathing criticism from the West and elicited stern economic sanctions against Russia. China has taken a neutral stance over the invasion; it has not directly criticized the actions taken by Russia. Instead, China has passed the blame to the US and NATO, maintaining that their actions have been provocative against the Russian aggression.

China's attitude is part of a more general strategic coordination with Russia, based on a joint interest in challenging the present world order dominated by the liberal democracies of the West. Both they, and other critics of the US such as Iran, seek to reshape international relations and counterbalance the influence of the West.

Economic Ties between China and Russia

Though China has not provided direct military aid to Russia, it has become an indispensable economic partner. China remains one of the biggest consumers of Russian oil and gas, supplies of which are vital for the economy of Russia, particularly under Western sanctions. In addition, China supplies Russia with significant volumes of electronics and also other so-called dual-use goods for civilian and military purposes. This economic lifeline is extremely important for Russia, considering the economic strain that is ensuing from international sanctions.

This strategic partnership is underlined by the close economic engagement between China and Russia. Where China's support has cushioned the impacts of the Western sanctions against Russia, it has allowed Moscow to continue its military operations in Ukraine. This economic interconnectedness further strengthens the bonding between the two countries and strengthens their capability for power projection on the global stage.
#### Strategic Implications

It is an intermarriage of deepening military and economic ties between the two nations that reflects far-reaching implications for global security dynamics. The joint naval and air drills are a signal of strategic realignment against the Western Liberal Democratic order. In this respect, greater military cooperation between China and Russia serves as a harbinger of their intention to counter the influence of the West, and even eventually to reshape international norms and institutions.

This alignment is part of a wider trend of increasing geopolitical competition. The coming together of China and Russia, along with other US-critical countries like Iran, does portend a shift in the global balance of power. The deeper partnership between Beijing and Moscow presents a consolidated front that may well impact international policies and security arrangements.

External Perspectives

These developments have been looked upon with a mix of concern and scrutiny by the international community. What these military exercises between China and Russia do to the bottom line of global security is being closely watched by analysts and policy thinkers alike. The joint drills are considered a barometer of strategic alignment between the two nations and a possible challenge to Western military and economic pre-eminence.

To take your learning further on strategic implications of the China-Russia alliance, you may view the following:

  • The Diplomat: China-Russia Military Cooperation,
  • BBC News: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: International Response,
  • Council on Foreign Relations: China's Strategic Partnership with Russia,


China's announcement of joint naval and air drills with Russia marks the new phase in their military relationship since the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine. The "Northern United-2024" exercises showcase a big move in strategic coordination between the two countries. The action and move of China and Russia in aligning military and economic strategies will have significant implications for global security and geopolitics.

In fact, these geopolitical dynamics are emerging as China and Russia increasingly challenge the status quo led by the West. As these developments in the international community are watched, no doubt the partnership of Beijing and Moscow will shape global power dynamics and the future of international diplomacy.

In short, therefore, the China-Russia military exercises are not a routine drill; they reflect a deeper strategic convergence that may mark a new epoch in global security and influence. The ongoing collaboration between the two great powers testifies to the shared interests and determination to challenge the existing international order.
