Taiwan's President Talks Tough on China, Wants Country to Beef Up Defenses


Taiwan president warns on China, pushes defence self-reliance

So, the President of Taiwan, Lai Ching-te, was speaking at this big deal conference called IPAC in Taipei, and he totally called out China for being all up in everyone's business. He said that if China starts causing trouble with one country, it's like they're starting drama with the whole world.

Taiwan's Plan to Stay Safe

Lai talked about how Taiwan is super serious about getting stronger on its own when it comes to defense. They're gonna work on their own stuff and also get some cool weapons from other countries that are friends with them. It's all about making sure Taiwan can protect itself and keep the peace in the neighborhood.

Why It Matters for Everyone

The President's speech was like, "Hey, if China bullies us, it's not just our problem, it's everyone's problem." And he talked about how Taiwan wants to be part of this big group hug with other countries that love freedom and want to keep each other safe. It's like forming a superhero squad to stand up to the big bad guys.

What the IPAC People Think

At the conference, these lawmakers from different countries who are not fans of China's actions, called IPAC, totally had Taiwan's back. They were all, "No way, China, you can't just tell our elected officials what to do!" They want everyone to be able to support Taiwan without getting in trouble.

What This All Means

Basically, President Lai's words show that Taiwan is ready to defend itself and work with others to keep democracy cool and strong. It's like they're the little country that could, but with a big attitude. And through this IPAC thing, they're trying to get everyone on the same page about how important it is to stick together against the bullies of the world.

The Bigger Picture

This conference is a big deal because it shows Taiwan isn't just playing around with its defense, but also wants to be a player in the global game of keeping everyone safe. It's all about making sure democracy doesn't get squished by the big guys with all the power. So, as the world keeps getting more complicated, Taiwan's definitely gonna keep fighting for what it believes in.
