Delhi-Mumbai Super Road Finish Line: India's Mega Road to be Done in 2025

Delhi-Mumbai Super Road Finish Line: India's Mega Road to be Done in 2025

So, if you're thinking of a road trip from Delhi to Mumbai that's supposed to take only half a day, hold your horses because the big news is, the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway isn't going to be ready this year. Yeah, you heard that right. They're saying now you'll have to wait until 2025 to zoom down the longest road in India without any stops. Some guy named Nitin Gadkari, who's like a big deal in the government, wrote down on July 31 that it's gonna take another year to finish up.

Delhi-Mumbai Expressway: 80% There, But Not Quite Yet

Dude, the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway is looking pretty sweet right now, almost done! It's like 80% finished, which is like acing most of your finals without breaking a sweat. The whole thing is supposed to be over 1,386 km long, and as of June, they've built 1,136 km of it. Nitin Gadkari, the big cheese in charge of roads, said that they're working on the last bits, like these little side roads called spurs. The new date everyone's talking about for when we can all drive on it without worry is October 2025.

Delhi-Mumbai Expressway: The Road to Nowhere, But Slowly Getting There

Okay, so the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway has had more delays than my last group project. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride, to say the least. This massive road project started in 2018, and they thought it'd be done in five years. That's like saying you'll finish your thesis in a month. The NHAI, which is like the cool kids' club for Indian highways, has had to deal with some setbacks. But hey, the good news is, Mr. Modi, the big man himself, opened a part of it in 2020. It's a 209 km stretch from some places in Haryana and Rajasthan. So, we're getting there, just at a chill, college student pace.

