She Managed to Escape Gaza After Half Her Family Got Wiped Out in an Israeli Attack. She Points the Finger at Hamas for What Went Down

She Managed to Escape Gaza After Half Her Family Got Wiped Out in an Israeli Attack. She Points the Finger at Hamas for What Went Down

Roba Abu Jibba looked totally stunned when the doctor broke the news to her: she couldn't get the surgery she really needed. She was fidgeting with her dress, trying to keep the tears from spilling over as she listened.

This 19-year-old girl from Palestine had her heart set on getting a fake eye after an Israeli attack in Gaza left her all messed up. The Qatari government brought her to Doha to get some help.

But, like so many other times, she got bad news.

“I came all this way, and now they say I can't get a prosthetic?” she told CNN, barely holding it together. “I know I wouldn't be able to see out of it, but at least it would look good and match my other eye."

Back in early January, Abu Jibba lost her right eye and part of her face when an Israeli bomb hit the place in central Gaza where she and her family had been hiding out for months.

Her whole world changed when she lost three of her brothers and two of her sisters. Her hurt mom and the three siblings who survived had to go find help, thinking she was gone. They left her with their dead bodies, and she had to tough it out for over three days before making it to a hospital. But when she got there, she found out the doctors had all run away because it was too dangerous with all the fighting around.

Can you believe it? Despite going through all that, she still blames Hamas for her situation. She says they're the ones who put her family in danger and that they use people like her as human shields. “They're the reason we're suffering like this,” she said.

Her story is just one sad piece of what's going on in Gaza, where regular folks like her are always getting caught in the middle of all the fighting and politics. It's a tough situation for everyone there.

Source She Managed to Escape Gaza After Half Her Family Got Wiped Out in an Israeli Attack. She Points the Finger at Hamas for What Went Down
