Negligence, Corruption: Congress Points Finger at Modi for Delhi Airport Terminal 1 Mishap; Government Speaks Up

Negligence, Corruption: Congress Points Finger at Modi for Delhi Airport Terminal 1 Mishap; Government Speaks Up

Delhi  – The Congress crew has thrown major shade at Modi's government for the canopy collapse outside Terminal 1 at the airport here, saying it's all because of their "shady, clueless, and self-centered" ways. This sad event went down during some heavy monsoon action in the city, leaving one person dead and five more nursing some serious boo-boos.

Congress big shot Mallikarjun Kharge called out Modi, saying that the whole thing showed the world that his "world-class infrastructure" talk was just hot air. He posted on his social media, which is like Twitter but with a cooler name now, saying, "This mess at Terminal 1 shows how corruption and not giving a damn has made our buildings fall apart like a house of cards in the 10 years of Modi's rule."

But the government didn't just sit there and take it. They said, "Hold up, Modi didn't even open that part of the airport!" They're worried that this is just turning into a political smackdown instead of everyone focusing on the poor souls who got hurt.

Kharge went on to bring up other "whoopsies" that happened under Modi's watch, basically saying, "Look, guys, this isn't just a one-time thing." He's pushing for someone to take the heat for the airport's upkeep and the safety of the buildings.

While everyone's still dealing with the shock and sending good vibes to the folks affected, the debate about the country's infrastructure and who's minding the store is hotter than a samosa in the sun. The government's promised to get to the bottom of this canopy collapse and make sure it doesn't happen again. So, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope they actually do something about it.
