Bolivia's President Arce Gets a Boost After Beating Back Military Coup

Bolivia's President Arce Gets a Boost After Beating Back Military Coup

So, Bolivia's President Luis Arce is feeling pretty pumped right now after dodging a military coup bullet. He chatted with Reuters on Friday and said that all the love from the people has really got his back. This whole mess went down when some military rebels tried to take over the big square in La Paz, crashed a tank into the presidential palace, and this dude, General Juan Jose Zuniga, basically demanded a new government.

But Arce wasn't having it. He called out to his fans to stand with him and boy, did they show up. The people didn't like the coup idea one bit, so Arce had to have a showdown with Zuniga. And guess what? The rebels chickened out. Now, Zuniga and his buddies are in the slammer. This was a big deal, considering Bolivia's had like 190 coup tries in the last 200 years. It's like they can't keep a government without someone trying to topple it.

Arce is a pretty cool customer, usually keeping to economics stuff, but he used to work with big shot Evo Morales back in the day when Bolivia's economy was on fire. After this whole coup drama, he's saying thanks to everyone for backing him up and that he's more ready than ever to keep pushing ahead with his plans.

Even though the country's been through the wringer, Arce is staying strong. "We're just gonna keep on keeping on," he said from the government offices in La Paz, where the military had barged in not too long ago. This whole situation showed that Bolivia's got some serious democracy muscles and that the people aren't about to let anyone mess with their vote. So, it's business as usual for Arce and his team, working hard to keep the peace and move the country forward.
