Boeing in Talks with US Department of Justice

Boeing Chatting with the Feds to Squash Safety Slip-Up Charges

June 28, 2024 - So, Boeing's apparently in some deep talks with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) about charges that came up because of those sad 737 Max plane crashes. They're trying to sort out the mess from those tragic days when their planes didn't do so well in the air.

Some insiders are saying that things might get wrapped up as soon as next week. If they work it out, Boeing could end up with a corporate monitor keeping an eye on them to make sure they don't mess up again. But, whether they'll admit they did anything wrong is still up in the air.

These chats are happening because back in 2021, when the Trump crew was signing off, Boeing made a deal with the DOJ. This was after those two really bad crashes that took 346 people's lives. Since then, everyone's been giving Boeing the side-eye about how safe their planes really are.

The families of the folks who didn't make it have been super loud about wanting the government to throw the book at Boeing. They think that would help them get some kind of justice for their loved ones. And let's face it, those families have a right to be heard.

If Boeing and the DOJ come to an agreement, it'll be a big deal for Boeing. They're trying to fix their rep and get people to trust them again. They've already made a bunch of changes to their safety stuff and the 737 Max itself.

If they announce a deal next week, it'll be a huge moment for Boeing, like a big step away from that dark cloud that's been following them. It'll also send a strong message to other plane makers that you can't mess around with safety.

So, keep your eyes peeled for what happens next. This could set the stage for how these kinds of situations are handled down the line. We'll keep you posted.

Source: Economic Times

