Amazon Hires Adept Founders to Give 'AGI' Team a Boost

Amazon Hires Adept Founders to Give 'AGI' Team a Boost

So, Amazon's really getting into the groove with AI, right? They just snagged some big cheeses from a techy startup called Adept, which is all about using AI to make business stuff easier. Why? Because Amazon wants to get really, really good at something called Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and stay ahead in the game.

Adept's Dream Team Joins Amazon

The head honcho of Adept, David Luan, and his buddies Augustus Odena, Maxwell Nye, Erich Elsen, and Kelsey Szot are all packing their bags and moving to Amazon. Oh, and let's not forget, David used to be the VP of Engineering at OpenAI – talk about a big deal! They're gonna beef up Amazon's AGI crew a lot. And don't worry about Adept, it's still gonna do its own thing with the folks left behind.

David Luan's New Gig

David's gonna be working with Rohit Prasad, a big shot at Amazon who's been there forever. Rohit's got this cool new team that's all about making AI that can talk and understand like humans. He's pretty pumped to have David on board because he thinks his experience is gonna make Amazon's AI smarter and more helpful.

Amazon Gets a Tech Treat from Adept

But wait, there's more! Amazon scored a sweet deal where they can use some of Adept's super cool tech without cutting them out completely. This is gonna help them make those AI robots that can do all the boring software stuff way faster.

Adept Sticks to Its Game

Even though some of their crew went to Amazon, Adept's still in the game. They're gonna keep working on making AI that can do a bunch of stuff for businesses, like reading emails and filling out forms. They're sitting on a big ol' pile of cash from investors, so they're gonna keep going strong.

AI is the New Black

Everyone's going nuts for AI these days, and big companies are playing matchmaker with AI startups left and right. But, the FTC is keeping an eye on these lovebirds, especially because Amazon threw some cash at another AI startup, Anthropic, and Microsoft's been playing the AI acquisition game too.

Amazon's AI Playground

Amazon's been busy in the AI world. They're cooking up a chatbot to take on ChatGPT and giving Alexa a fancy upgrade. Plus, they've got some cool AI helpers for work stuff called "Amazon Q" and "Rufus." It's all about making everything smarter and easier to use.

Adept's New Boss and Plans

Zach Brock, who used to be in charge of making Adept's tech work, is now the CEO, and Tim Weingarten's still the head of products. They're gonna keep working on their AI thing with a team of about 100 people and maybe team up with other companies too.

What's Next for Amazon's AI Adventure?

So, Amazon's basically saying, "Hey, we're serious about AI," by bringing in these Adept folks. It's gonna be interesting to see what kind of AI magic they cook up together and how it's gonna change how we all live and work. Hold onto your hats, because the AI rollercoaster is just getting started!
